2024 J-WEL Week attendees walk down a sidewalk in Cambridge, Massachusetts near part of the MIT campus
The MIT Jameel World Education Lab

Brings MIT ideas and know-how to collaborations with educational innovators around the world.

Campus as Catalyst

How can we make the most of the spaces—physical, virtual, societal—that can connect educational institutions to their community, industry, and society?

Pathways for Talent

How can educational institutions help people of all ages and circumstances find the pathway to learning and opportunity that works for them?

Architecting Learning

How can new insights from research and practice improve the design of learning experiences?

Let’s Change the World

Are you ready to push the boundaries of teaching and learning in a new way? Learn more about becoming a member or contact us today to start a conversation about learning from, partnering with, or supporting the MIT Jameel World Education Lab.

“Being part of the J-WEL Community is an enriching experience that enhances our understanding of how to integrate advanced technologies into education and entrepreneurship...The connections made and the ideas shared will undoubtedly help us drive innovation and excellence at our institution."