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MIT Jameel World Education Lab

The MIT Jameel World Education Lab brings MIT ideas and know-how to collaborations with educational innovators around the world.
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Campus as Catalyst

How can we make the most of the spaces—physical, virtual, societal—that can connect educational institutions to their community, industry, and society?

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Pathways for Talent

How can educational institutions help people of all ages and circumstances find the pathway to learning and opportunity that works for them?

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Architecting Learning

How can new insights from research and practice improve the design of learning experiences?

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Let’s Change the World

Are you ready to push the boundaries of teaching and learning in a new way? Learn more about becoming a member or contact us today to start a conversation about learning from, partnering with, or supporting the Jameel World Education Lab.

“I realized in J-WEL’s workshops the many different active learning methodologies by which students can be encouraged and challenged to solve complex real-world problems leading to deeper learning by which students can create, evaluate, and analyze.”

— Luis Alejandro Camacho Botero, Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering,
Universidad de Los Andes Bogotá, Colombia